The Word

The Word

Lila Kate

Lila Kate
one week old

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Day31 #31days of October "Tasty Thursday"

Trick or Treat ~ Happy Halloween

Who really plays tricks... Most everyone Gets/Gives Treats!

Well my treat is that Jody being unemployed this week has mopped my floors, washed/emptied Dishes and is doing laundry (just whites/towels). He is Golden! Does your Hubby Wash clothes, do the dishes or even know where the mop is! I told him I could get use to all this help! He is mine so think again.

Made a Delish Dessert for Halloween party at Summers Tonight.

Brownie Trifle

Recipe (Bottom Layer to Top; Repeat 2-3 times, depending on container)
Batch of Brownies or chocolate Cake
Instant Choc. Pudding (I make a big batch)
Cool Whip

Then after you are done layering Top the Trifle with
crushed Butter Fingers (usually need 1 regular size bar or 3-4 bitesize)

After I was done Jody got in the leftovers!!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

day30 #31October days

My life is full of curve balls... God is good and I am glad he is on my side.

My family for one thing: I have no kids and all I ask is that you share your kids. Invite me or hell just tell me about their events I honestly get my feelings hurt when they have things going on and their Auntie Anna & JoJo miss them because we didnt know. Yes we cant make it to everything but I would much rather know that its happening then learning 5months later that it happened (seeing it on FAcEbook).

So many of you know Jody and I have been trying to have a baby for over 2 years. As Jody says something is always going on and we are always doing something. We want a baby badly but has many doctors, friends and family say "It willl happen when it is suppose to" I believe this and God has a plan.

JODY and DAD both have career changes!! I am so excited about all this goodness God has placed in our lives.

Halloween is HERE and Hope to have pics to share!!!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

It is well with my soul... Day29 of #31 days October

Facebook/ blogs/ tweeter - makes everything official!


My DAD Got a JOB!! 15months of unemployment No Guaranties but lots of hope. Its not about the money and location its about living life as GOD has planned for you.

Jody Got a New Job, gave his Two Weeks notice on Friday and the company decided to send him home Monday (he didnt get to work his 2 weeks out, He is fine with this) He starts to work on Nov 11 unless they want him sooner! God knows our needs and provides away even when you think everything in life is just fine. He will just literally drop things in your life and you have to decide is this God or not. Prayer is the only way to determine this answer.

Yesterdays Devotion was on Expectations- DO NOT expect to be treated fairly in this life.
Todays Devotion is that GOD will only know what will happen to you in this day.
Most Importantly I give the Glory to GOD! To see my dad at church every sunday as I sit in the choir loft, I just pray that his heart is right and his mind is clear. God is good and forgives there is no reason a person should miss out on this.

Jody came home yesterday and the first words out of his mouth, "It is well with my soul". He did everything respectable and honest.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you. Psalm 32:8

Monday, October 28, 2013

Day28 Monday FunDay #31days of Crocktober

Some how I have managed to blog everyday or twice in a day to make up for a missed day. These blogs may have little to NO Value but they are just mer thoughts that rushed through my wacky mind. BIG Things coming out in this next month and I cant wait to disclose them to you!!
First off, NO BABY yet.... (Taking a break, not preventing just not trying):)
Second most importantly Career changes are happening for Jody and I both!
Third weight loss challenge! I am excited I love running when its cooler. I can make all kinds of excuses when its hot and rainy but cooler! I just want to be outside.

This coming month we will have a Yard Transformation! I am pumped! Not sure yet if our guy will do it since he has put it off for 4months but It will happen if I have to do it myself.

Great weekend in Oxford buy I have to say I am ready to sleep late, not travel so far 2 days in a row and CLEAN MY HOUSE!

At work today with a small to do list! this makes for a great day!
Roast in CROCKPOT= CROCTOBER for supper/dinner
Did I mention I get to see this littel FELLA Saturday! yes we will be home I will still travel to see my BESTIE Courtney for our Annual Festival Festivities!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Day27 Simple Sunday #31days October

We made record timing on our journey home from Oxford! J stayed with a pack of flight jets and made it home in time for the end of nAScAr and church choir practice for me!!  J reminded me that it's much easier, fun and entertaining when making that drive with someone! I know for a fact since I drove to oxford almost every weekend to see that boy! 

We have an amazing time with our laurel/oxford families! Love this new crew we find ourselves hanging with. Just when you think you don't fit in with your friends anymore or schedules aren't meshing well; God puts people In Your life that he sees goodness in! 

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Day26 #31 days of October

We do it Big Time !! This makes 4 consecutive weeks we have gone to see our rebels play football! Tailgating 3 of them w Chris & Jennifer Ishee and Robert and Angie Smith! Great people are hard to find, glad we hit it off day1! 

Awesome win Rebels!!

Day25 five min Friday #31days Oct

Prep work to go see Rebels play Saturday!! Mani with my neighbor!! 
Low key day of rest after my minor surgery yesterday! 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Day 24 #31 days of October- Gods proves his LOVE....

Today was a great day for many! 

I have put off this minor surgery for a year, I made the appointment this time last year but wanted to use the money that would have paid for surgery to pursue other infertility  treatments.... needless to say we did that and since we haven't gotten pregnant I decided to go on with my surgery. (THAT Was a long sentence, I know I am not good at writing). This cyst on my back has been with me for many years, never changing in size, doesn't hurt, itches occasionally, is weird looking. In mine and Jody's mind it was the size of marble, to our surprise it was much bigger try PingPong/Golf ball size. RN Jody has had me taking it easy, keeping me medicated (Tylenol) and iced down. I am grateful that 1 I met my deductible this year so this surgery is 80% covered!!! It is 99% not cancerous and will not come back!!

Dad had his 1st interview today in a long 15months and has another with another company tomorrow. I could hear his hope in his voice and since of self again. He has been a trooper with up and down days. NEED LOTS OF PRAYERS, God is the one that knows our future and our hearts. 

Some friends of mine from high School, that had been through it all to have a baby, adopted today. It was a blessing and answered prayer for them. They stayed focused  on God that he would open this door and it was done. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Day23 #31 purchases lately

So Whitney (my cool new neighbor) and I went to GIRLS NITE OUT LAUREL last week! Alexis, Whitneys little girl said Ms Anna Had to bring her back a blue cup. So needless to say I am a sucker for KIDS especially ones that love me back!

NEW OUTFIT - 1st one ever from MisBehavin

These are my finds from Shopping local ($6 placemats, Blue Dip dish and the pitcher all came from Antique Mall)
 also purchased from CHC, MisBehavin

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Day22 #31 October Memories of Monday

I received the SWEETEST note in the mail from the Lady at the Bank BancorpSouth! I have banked there since I was a senior in High School (my First Job). The Note just stated how proud she was to be sending this special copy of the Announcement of the Provisional Class JA!

Yes Halloween is Just Around the Corner! As you Know we usually have a Large Time at our Haloween Party (well no one could come this year so I guess we will just do something low key). Mom is making pocket tees and has been busy with special orders for toddler shirts and holiday items also.
Got home late last night, had dinner with a really good friend, really good food and conversation. So I walked in my bedroom and see that Jody has changed out the comforter! We had a light weight quilt on the bed but he got out the down comforter/duvet so that we can bundle our buns when its chilly in the morning. Needless to say we over slept this morning do to the overwhelming comfort and warmth!

These are my babies at the end of the bed. Lady and Snickers

Monday, October 21, 2013

Day21 #31day of October

Fall is very much here in Mississippi ! Spending the weekend in Oxford and waking up in Laurel this morning lots of changes crossed my mind: heavier blankets, thicker clothes, socks and even a tad of heat!

So yes I turned my heat on this am for a brief second!

Wearing layers is key! Please know I am not complaining I need, love Cooler weather especially when I take Clomid!

Making my shopping list for Christmas! 
Planning shopping trips (Mistletoe, coast, festivals, Mobile) 

Fair is in town this week!! CornDogs and nutty ice cream bars

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Day20 #31 days of October Simple SUNDAYS

BEAUTIFUL Morning in Oxford this morning. There is no other place in this world with Gods beauty on every corner and so simply apparent! The Sunrise with deer in the backyard just reminded me Live Life Loving and Laughing! 
The only thing I have missed these last 2 weeks I mean 3 weeks Is FBC Laurel! love my church and especially singing in choir!
(we have been traveling to the GAMES) 

Riding back was fine, Getting home with most of the day left was great! J and I took a nap (Thankfully). quesadilla  and homemade salsa!!

Day19 #31Days Hotty Toddy Ole Miss wins over LSU

@OleMissFB: Ritter with the 41 yd FG and the Rebels take a 27-24 lead with 2 ticks left!!!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Day17 (day late) big day for Ladies of Laurel

Junior Auxilliary of Laurel Provisional class of 2013-2014

The fall social "Passing of the Crown"

The provisional class were introduced as guest arrived! We stood at front door greeting, hugging, being filled with excitement and Joy! 

This is the host class of JA. 
They did an amAzing job !

The day was filled with the reward of being around some of the most amazing women that have devoted their lives to helping the kids of this community!  

The evening was one of a kind- Girls night out in Laurel 20 business participated opening up their stores from 6-9
For those that know me know I HATE shopping but food (chickFilA) and a tshirt I am on!! $20 for a ticket and you get it all; even ice cream after shopping ! 

Picture will come soon!

Day18 #31 days of October

This was probably written for me! 

My path may seem narrow and my journey may be long, but focus on him my Lord instead trusting he will lead me through any obstacles I face. 

Our baby journey has hit pause, God is my rock. Our life continues maybe not how I had dreamed or planned but I am reminded daily- it is not my plan for my life but What God is doing in my life and his will and what he wants for me! 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Day 16 #31days of October

Today is the day:
- Christmas cards were ordered! On sale
- made chilli 1st time this fall 
- wish I was tan and skinny= need new wardrobe
- dump cake (strawberry pie filling & pineapple)
-read An article that Oreos are considered addictive! ESP Halloween ones at my house!
- love my kitchen clean, sink empty, laundry in dryer and air down to 69 then a hot bath shaved legs and. Clean sheets!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Day 14 and 15 of #31 in October #noparty #stressed #tired #LOVEmyDentist

So yesterday Day 14 Blog I decide I would have the 2nd annual Thornton Costume Halloween Party.


1) only 2 couples could come (to MUCH Hassle) for lots of decorations, food and cleaning
Nah maybe next year
2) going to have a cyst removed from my back Thursday  next week so I dont know how I will feel anyhow.
3) we have no costume...  (mafia, mob, The President) 

I might be considered OBESE
I went to the dentist Today!!! LOVE LOVE CLEAN WHITE TEETH!
Love it 1st because they dont weigh you! 2nd because my teeth feel so good I don't want to eat

I decided against 2 invitations to GNO (High school friends & Church Crew)
Was completely exhausted when I got home from work Literally fell asleep on couch til 7pm (no sleep tonight) JA was so late last night so I just felt like I am over due on REST!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Day13 Sunday #31days October

Something about that place:
Oxford is just magical. It seems like they live in a bubble.
The first thing you see when you when you enter this BEAUTIFUL campus is a BRICKed entry with perfect lettering and landscaping. The one place I would live besides JONES COUNTY is Oxford. The Grove has many old trees and just the greenest grass you will see. Its beauty is more than one you will find in a pictures, the only way to capture is to see it for yourself. Every February Tulips are blooming on every corner and every Spring for Double Decker the town goes above and beyond with complimentary colors.

From Our Dating years


The Beautiful GROVE
The Circle in the Grove

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Day12 #31days "Spontaneous Saturdays"

Well I had this exciting weekend planned and wouldn't you know my plans were changed! Jody came home from Sertoma (aka-girlscouts) with Ole miss football tickets for the weekend... Yeah let's do that my idea can wait! Not being season ticket holders it is hard to find tickets to the game for cost value! Being free of a schedule not having kids nor dependent animals we can be Spontaneos on Saturdays! Jody studied forever it seemed for CPA test so now that he has passed and we have nothing tying us down we go!! 

Guess who we saw!!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Day11 #31 DAYS OF OCT

Friday- Foodie Friday (recipe/meal planning)

Sundays are my down days and when I do my planning! 
I sit w Jody watching Sunday night football and plan meals for the next week! Lunch and dinner (eating out only once during week, and sharing who cooks at night! Meaning he will grill 2 out of 6nights!)
Meals that appear weekly: tacos, burgers, chicken, spaghetti and in winter we do lots of crock pot soups!! This week Monday was Taco Soup! 


Taco Soup

 brown Meat with chopped ONION
1 can kidney beans or black beans
1 can corn
1 can Rotel
1 can tomato sauce
1 can stewed/chopped tomatoes
1 pack of Ranch Dressing Dry Mix
1 pack of Taco seasoning
1Tbs Chili Powder

Combine all in CrockPot and Cook 8+hrs on LOW


Mexican Corn Bread:

1 box jiffy
1 egg
1/2cup oil
chopped Jalapenos
half can cream corn or get a small can
1 cup of cheese
MIX and PUT in 9x9 baker (cooking til it is golden and pass tooth pick test!)
I bake everything for 20mins/ 350

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Day10 #31 days of Oct

Thursday- The best Trips I've been on 

1. 30th bday trip to NYC! went with my Friend Suzanne Manning and her mom and another friend 
2. 2008 Jody and I went to Chicago for the CHICAGO  Marathon (I thought he was going to Propose)
3. Disney 2006 and 2012 We went with Jody's Dad and ANNA and Lisa (ANNA is my mother in law; yes it is weird & sometimes confusing)
4. we Love the beach and go every YEAR either Mexico Beach FL, Destin, Perdio Key and Orange Beach
5. Cruises: Jody and I went on a cruise to Virgin Islands and Bahamas for HoneyMoon & I did one my senior year to Bahamas.

We love to travel! Although I am not a very good passenger we go somewhere every month. We travel to Mobile to see my Bestie and we go to OXFORD every time we get a chance.


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Day9 #31 days OCT Wednesday- when we were young

When we were young... It started my eight grade year! Courtney and Amanda already friends met me and several other girls we hit it off immediately. Amanda being older drove 1st therefore throughout high school we always went to ball games, movies and even the Sunflower Parking lot to hangout! That was our spot! Mande and Courtney had cars way before I did so everyday after school almost we went to WALKERS! Either for ice cream or gravy fry it was the hot spot! To this day if you go on Friday afternoon it is still packed out! I was always very self conscious of my body never wore revealing clothing and didn't date a lot of different guys just had 1 boyfriend on HS. 

Today Amanda and Courtney and I are still good friends just our lives took is different places. Everyone knows that you only take real friends who you after HS. We may not talk everyday or see each other for 3 months but we know we can pick up the phone and pick up were we left off! We were so close when were young and realized you don't have to be close in distance to still remain very good friends ! Today is Amanda's birthday and Courtney's anniversary!! For Jody and I this is the day 1 year ago we bought a brand new home! 

Relationships are tough to maintain, Marriages and friendship both ! We have to have one to get theu the other 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Day7 Me, Me, Me #31days October

Monday - all about Me 
Anna is Name of my Mothers First Born and is name sake for her sister Dianna. Although I am Thirty Years wise and still very young I have lived life. Raised in Church my whole life I was taught to treat others right, life isnt fair and we are all sinners. This is a concept I have come to know very well and respect. Life isnt my story to write its mine to life as God has planned. Growing up as the oldest of 3, I loved taking care of my siblings and helping my parents. The song "If I die young" by the Band Perry reminds us that we all want folks to have nice things to say about us when we die and to be remembered by our works, attitude, smile and spirit. I also want God to say well done, it has always been my intention to praise people when they should be praised and encourage those that need to do better because we all mess up.
I am Young yes but dreamed of kids in my house for years, remembering that it is not our will but Gods is very difficult to wrap my head around. So when Jody and I married (5years after dating) we wanted to settle in our careers and travel. We have done this and continue to do so that my mom and best friend Courtney say we Go To Much.... I am one that likes a full plate- mostly to keep my mind off of negatives that filter in my mind. It is easy to say what we dont have and what we want but to focus on the blessing of life and what we do have is so much more impactful.

Devotion today: God- Instead of regretting or resenting the way things are, thank Me in all circumstances. Turst Me and dont be fearful; thank Me and rest in my sovereignty.


Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18


Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's might hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5: 6-7

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Day8 #31days Tuesday- truth be told...

Tuesday- truth be told...

I loved my job when I started and probably even until the beginning of the year. Working for THIS state agency has perks but it is NOT what its cracked up to be. I am very lucky to have a job I know. This Blog today may be a venting session but my DAD has been laid off since last AUG in a mans world his liveyhood AKA JOB is everything next to his kids. Men take pride in their work and family. Dad has applied to so many jobs and gotten so few interviews/call backs he feels like giving up.

With all that being said this govenmen has gone to pot. We the US would have each others back and support every cause as  a team but now its ONE NATION UNDER SELF  Instead of GOD. This world has become self focused, well what is in it for me. How do I get insurance? My response is work somewhere that offers it or buy it!

enough venting.
I do love my life and know GOD gave me the gift to lift people up and to help others. Wish others wanted to know their God given Gifts!

Day6 #31days of October

So let's theme the next week: 
Monday - all about Me
Tuesday- truth be told...
Wednesday- when we were young
Thursday- The best Trips I've been on 
Friday- Foodie Friday (recipe/meal planning)

This idea of what to blog about sometimes is easy but if I set an idea of what's expected it's easier to write. 

Today was simple Sunday... Keeping it real simple 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Day5 Oktoberfest #31days Auburn vs Ole miss

We are headed over to Auburn today to watch our rebels play! We were invited, to w/Auburn fans- not typically ok but these are great people and won't leave us there if we win;) After this invite, Jody and I decided we would start traveling to see all SEC schools campuses since this trip would kinda kick it off (not all this year but over a year or 3yrs). 

Marriage and Life is fun even if it is not all planned out; min by min...
It is good to plan somethings like trips here and there but living proof dont plan marriage and babies  (it  never happens like it was planned). Learning daily to grow where planted and let go to LET GOD.

this little cutie Emma Claire Martin is meeting us at the game!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Day4 #31Days October Birthdays and family

Almost always your family has a get together for every birthday! This month it was Hank (one yr old), mom Phyllis (55yr old) and Jessica (sisterinLaw- 30yr old)! Aug was the twins bday Alan and Alana 28thbday and Oct5 is Addie's. 

This weekend we had a Mickey Minnie's clubhouse bday party for Hank (1) and Addie (3) (2weeks btwn bdays). 

Sister in law and my brother had parties but none of our family was invited! Yes I asked but everyone said nope no party... Just say private party that's fine! 

It's always something with family isn't it ! They want to be included and think no one else has stuff going on in their lives but everyone has Stuff! Whether it is business, sickness, loneliness, or just kids everyone is busy and if you want something to happen, you have to make it! No one does it for you no one gives it to you, You just have to make it happen !
Yes I had to vent! 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Day3 #31days of Oct. Gigi's Boutique

Fall is full of events: Sports, Fairs, Concerts, festivals and family events. 

My mom known as Gigi to 4 munchkins. GiGi's Boutique makes outfits, baby items and home goods for everyone! She does tons of monograms, appliqué and custom items. So being the sweet child I helped set her up on etsy (website to sell items).  
We have a large festival this weekend so my Aunt Dianna (moms sister) signed them up to have a booth! So out of moms comfort zone! We prices and stage items last night to give her an idea of what she has and priced to sell! Love this lady- dad was laid off a 14months ago! He still has had no work so mom is trying hard to get bills paid and then some (we love having out hair did and a pedicure).