The Word

The Word

Lila Kate

Lila Kate
one week old

Saturday, August 1, 2015

When you Pray daily, weekly, monthly, yearly.....

WE Prayed

We= Jody and I, our families; our friends; our work folks and our Church

Praying for hope and a child of our own. Specific Prayers are sometimes Difficult. Because we are to seek his will for our Life and to do this you must trust Him and Him Alone. I believe the desires in your heart that are from his spirit. I truly believe that this was all GOD, his timing, his plan and I can do nothing without him.

I am a sinner and will be the first to stand up and admit I have sinned but have repented. I have prayed and asked for forgiveness and turned from those ways. At that moment I focused only on what God was doing in our lives and the only way to have your prayers answered was to live in faith that he would bless me.

Although some months felt like I was not ONE of the LUCKY ones..... I am so very blessed and I am the Lucky one!! Jody and I have grown in Christ and He had Grown in us! We are closer than ever and closer to God than ever.

and HE Answered..................

1 Samuel 1:27
I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him.

Thornton Party of THREE