The Word

The Word

Lila Kate

Lila Kate
one week old

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Nieces first Overnight at Nana & JoJo

The reason for the season hits home in so many levels....

Yes I am saved by his grace but it is possible because of Jesus. Mary a virgin had a baby and called him Jesus. Jesus died for us to save us from our sin so that we too shall live everlasting. 

First off there will not be a Christmas card from The Thorntons this year... Yes the first time in 5plus years! We have been married 5yrs this year! It has been a very emotional Christmas this year for me! As I went thru the pictures of Jody and I this year to create a card it was missing the baby we have prayed and prayed for. Just no picture or phrase fit this year. Buy gifts was hard cause we are on a tight budget so we can do IVF this summer. I so wanted to buy baby items and gifts but for our child. 
I have no child and if God can make Mary have a baby he will make a way for Jody and I to have a child or give us peace about it. 

We live day by day for the Lord praising him for all that he has done. Because I for one know we are so blessed. 

This week I took a few days off!! Reese & Addie came for a overnight stay!! 
Started with getting our nails done 
Played w Barbies "1990s version"
Made sugar cookies and decorated them 
Watched Cinderella to go to bed!!! Good sugars and a WARM FILLED HEART!

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