The Word

The Word

Lila Kate

Lila Kate
one week old

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Hello June....

Yes I am sure those that do read my blog think that I have forgotten to blog... Oh so wrong just been oh so BUSY! New job and been busy living!
Recap of May. 
1. Reese finished pre-k3

2. JA is off to a new year #BeginningYr2 
3. Mother Day 
Although I am not a mother I am surrounded by great moms everyday! Here area few of my favorites!

4. Did I mention Our First vacation some last summer! 
 (the foot of lil Elise) small kids at beach make me smile! 

5.Tball started 

6. Addie finished her first year of dance! 

7. New nephew added to the love chain! Welcome Mr Jett held by Big Bro Dash

Jump into June!!! 
1. Baby Jones is coming soon!!!
2. Beth Moore is coming to MS! 
3. Just never know